Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Beanies The Flavour Co. Instant Coffee*

As a coffee addict, I love my Nespresso machine probably more than most of my makeup!!!! So when I was asked whether I would like to try some Beanies The Flavour Co. Instant Coffee* I absolutely jumped at the chance. Upon suggesting three flavours that I liked the sound of, I was over the moon when all three turned up for me to test.

With my crazy latte obsession, I do worry about the amount of calories I am drinking! But Beanies only contain 2 calories per cup (minus the milk which I do tend to like a lot of!). I took all three jars into my office for various colleague to try - including my boss who was intrigued by the gingerbread flavour. There were mixed reviews amongst the flavours, but obviously everyone has different tastes. 

First off, the chocolate orange flavour came at the top of my list. It was very strange; sort of like a hot chocolate type coffee with terry's chocolate orange infused into it! The coffee taste wasn't overly strong which was nice as it didn't overpower the chocolate orange flavour. I loved this one just with hot water and a drop of milk. Other's in my office were not as keen; it was a bit too sweet for them and too overpowering, but I love orange and often use orange essence in cakes and my date bars.

The vanilla was my next favourite and generally, a hit amongst everyone in my office. I especially loved this one as a latte which you can see on the photo above. I've also seen/read that this is great as a vanilla iced latte too. With the currently miserable weather, I haven't had chance to try this out yet.

The gingerbread was my least favourite; it reminded me of alcohol. To me, it tasted like a liqueur coffee! It was quite bitter and has a very strong aftertaste of gingerbread - the 'traditional' christmas gingerbread though. This however, was actually one of the favourites in my office, so it just goes to show how different people's tastes are. This is the one my manager and director decided to try and they were both huge fans of. Fortunately for them, I wasn't a fan so I let them drink the rest! 

I am really interested in trying out some of their other flavours, especially the cinder toffee and winter warmer. I'd also love to see some more flavours from them. Are you a fan of coffee, or flavoured coffee? What other flavours would you love to see?

Laura xx


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