Wednesday, 19 March 2014

My Simple Lunch

#2014BloggerChallenge - Post Six - My Simple Lunch

I signed up to the #2014BloggerChallenge and so far, I am really enjoying meeting the other 407 bloggers who are taking part. I want to take this time to personally thank all of my new followers for their commitment to my blog. Now that I have hit 300 followers, I will be hosting a giveaway to say thank you. I am heading for a shopping trip to Manchester on 31st March, so will pick up some goodies then!

Gabby writes: "this topic is going to be all about food! This could be a recipe, 10 foods that... type post, your favourite healthy foods etc."

At the minute, my health and easiest lunch idea, when I'm at home is poached eggs on toast. It is ultra simple to make and takes no more than 10 minutes.

My Top Tips for Poached Eggs

1. Use a shallow frying pan and not a pan. A non-stick pan is best (as you can see, mine is very scratched and very old!).

2. Add vinegar to the water. I actually have no idea what this does, I just remember my dad telling me when I was little! To me, vinegar is all the same, hence the Asda Smart Price option.

3. Let the water boil - you want the water to be very hot and boiling when you drop in the eggs. I tend to find this stops them from sticking. 

4. Break the eggs into a bowl first (one at a time) before pouring them into the water. This is easier and helps them to form better in the pan.

5. Fresh out of the fridge, I cook mine for around four minutes, although I lost track of time and cooked them for too long today because I was taking photos!

6. Use a spoon with holes in to get them out of the pan, allowing the water to drain. Nobody wants soggy bread!

My finished poached egg with cracked black pepper. Yum!

Some gorgeous Pinterest lunch ideas to end this challenge from my Lunch Ideas Pinterest Board. You can follow me on Pinterest here.

Laura xx


1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not, I've never tried poached egg before but with your easy pics and tips, I might just try it tomorrow. xo


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