Thursday, 10 September 2015

OGX Shampoo Review - Coconut Milk and Macadamia Oil

After reading so many amazing things about the Ogx brand from other bloggers, and after my beloved L'Oreal Ever Riche shampoo for Dry, Fine Hair was discontinued/re-packaged, I needed something else on-par. 

I decided to try the Ogx Coconut Milk because it mentions hydrating, but balancing your hair. This sounded great as I suffer from oily roots and very dry, damaged ends. And I also added the Ogx Macadamia Oil shampoo to my basket, although I was a little worried that this may weigh down my fine hair, especially with the word 'oil'.

I'll start off by saying that these are the most delicious smelling shampoos I have used! They are sooo thick and rich in texture and lather up so well; a small 5 pence piece size is all I need for my shoulder length bob. Using them in the shower is an absolutely pleasure and worth the £6.99 price tag.

Comparing both bottles after using them numerous times, the Macadamia Oil is my ultimate favourite. It didn't weigh down my hair at all like I was initially worried about; it was hydrating, nourishing and helped keep my frizz at bay without adding too much oil to my fine hair. The Coconut Milk Shampoo was nice, a lot thicker and less rich in texture, which nourished my hair, but just not quite enough. I think the Coconut Milk would be better for someone with 'normal' hair who doesn't need as much nourishment. 

I am super excited to try out more from the Ogx range, especially some of the oils and sprays in the which sound lovely. I would certainly be happy to repurchase the Ogx Macadamia Oil Shampoo, along with the conditioner next time, but I think I'll give the Coconut Milk a miss.

Laura xx


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