Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Valentines Box Swap UK

I have seen quite a few of these box swaps and have always wanted to take part, but have never come across the posts in time. On Daisy's Blog she has just written a post telling her readers about the box swap for valentines day, so I wanted to share with you all and let my readers know that I too will be participating. 

Samantha and Lucie will be organising the event and further details can be found via their websites:

Fat Beauty X | Lucie
Mascara and Cakes | Samantha

You must be a UK resident.
There is a £20 spend required (to the nearest penny to ensure everything is fair)
You must follow Lucie and Samantha on GFC, Twitter and Bloglovin'.

Please leave me a comment if you too decide to join in!

Laura xx

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